Hello again, is it normal when trying to create a ...
# general
Hello again, is it normal when trying to create a realtime table in Pinot's UI to receive a popup saying the table has been saved but not seeing an entry in the UI?
I get this log from the controller process:
2021/04/23 14:19:38.925 WARN [HelixHelper] [grizzly-http-server-1] Idempotent or null ideal state update for resource brokerResource, skipping update.
It seems the action is redundant and Pinot already has a table defined, but then why does nothing show in the UI?
Using the REST API to list all tables in the cluster:
curl -X GET "<http://localhost:9000/tables>" -H "accept: application/json"
the server tells me there are no tables. The response is:
Copy code
  "tables": []
Broker reports:
Copy code
aught exception while processing transition from OFFLINE to ONLINE for table: HitExecutionView_REALTIME
java.lang.IllegalStateException: Failed to find ideal state for table: HitExecutionView_REALTIME
Anyone familiar with this exception? cc @User
cc @User
No, once created, the table should show up.
How did you start the cluster and what’s your VM size? If you used quick-start, then note that the Xmx there is very small and not enough for anything larger than the example quick start loads
This is a K8s cluster, which process do mean? The controller?
I've noticed that the message popups in the cluster manager are not accurate. I've tried to create a table with a partition level of 3. My cluster have only 1 zookeeper and 1 broker instance, it should not be possible to create the table. I get some exceptions in the broker's logs but thats it. Nothing in the UI reports an error.
A similar issue when trying to modify a realtime table definition, I tried to change the kafka topic. The UI reports a successful change, I reload the segments, nothing happens. If I create another table from scratch with the new kafka topic, it works.
Hi @User, were you able to get this solved? Which version of Pinot are you using?
Hello Kenny, yes I was thanks to Mayank. I am using version 0.7.0, I've already been told to use 0.7.1
👍 1
Excellent, great to hear
Thanks @User. Could I request you to file issues for the problems we found? Would like to ensure that those problems (if real) are addressed asap.
It's in my todo list Mayank. Apologies, been a very busy day
No worries. Just want to make sure we don't leave gaps in the system, so whenever you get a chance.
👍 1