Hi! Is there a way to have the data streamed from ...
# general
Hi! Is there a way to have the data streamed from Kafka and then put into S3 in Parquet format?
You mean using Pinot? No
Using Pinot you can consume via Kafka and store in S3, but it will be Pinot index format.
Got it, thanks! Is there any other service that you know that can handle this on a very big scale?
Usually done via ETL pipelines (as you may need transforms on Kafka topic before storing). Depending on your specific requirements there may be standard solutions out there you can try.
👍 1
@User Gobblin can do that
there are many projects that can move data from Kafka to S3, Kafka Connect as well
thanks @User, I'll check it out. I have identified https://github.com/pinterest/secor, @User pointed out https://github.com/apache/flink. I'll review them and pick according to our needs, thanks a lot
@User: kafka-connect is another option. s3 plugin is open source too.