Hello everyone, What does Pinot store in zookeeper...
# general
Hello everyone, What does Pinot store in zookeeper metadata. I currently have 2GB out of 2.5GB of disk used up (78.5%) in my zookeeper instance. Should this be a cause for concern?
Cluster state, segment metadata etc. do you have too many segments?
Whatever is visible via ZK in the UI is stored inside ZK
What is too many segments? I have 1 table only with 3842 segments.
Yeah 3.8k segments might lead to 2GB, each segment has metadata stored in ZK
Too many is relative of course, here I meant enough to justify 2GB disk storage
Understood. Can zookeeper information be offloaded to hdfs like the segments?
Not sure if ZK supports that If it did, then you will incur latency for ZK read/writes