I have added few new columns to the Pinot Table an...
# general
I have added few new columns to the Pinot Table and Pinot Schema, inorder for the new columns to be populated I did
Reload All Segments
for the Table in the UI. 2 Questions here: • I see
Reload All Segments
to re-index data is this the right approach to re-populate new columns? • I don’t see the progress of the
Reload All Segments
I see this PR is completed - https://github.com/apache/incubator-pinot/issues/5390 which release is this part of?
Yes, reload all segments is the right approach
The PR https://github.com/apache/incubator-pinot/pull/5718 should be part of 0.7.1 (latest)
I see
GET /segments/{tableName}/reload-status
as the API endpoint in the PR documentation but i don’t see that endpoint in my swagger. Could you help me here on the right endpoint to call to get the status of
Reload All Segments
@User ^^
Hmm, I only see
to fetch all segment metadata. I didn't find the reload status in the PR