:thread: Complex schema (un-nesting json) not show...
# general
🧵 Complex schema (un-nesting json) not showing up in table
Our data looks like this:
Copy code
  "one": "one",
  "two": "two",
  "three": "three",
  "fourTimestamp": "1593549705711",
  "payload": {
    "context": {
      "one": "one",
      "two": "two"
    "message": {
      "one": "one",
      "two": "two"
  "five": "five"
Previously, my schema correctly showed 
"one", "two", "three", "fourTimestamp"
 in the table.
I added a new table config to include 
 for the first time:
Copy code
  "tableName": "tableName",
  "tableType": "REALTIME",
  "segmentsConfig": {
    "timeColumnName": "fourTimestamp",
    "timeType": "MILLISECONDS",
    "schemaName": "schemaName",
    "replicasPerPartition": "1"
  "tenants": {},
  "tableIndexConfig": {
    "loadMode": "MMAP",
    "streamConfigs": {
      "streamType": "kinesis",
      "stream.kinesis.topic.name": "stream-name",
      "region": "us-east-1",
      "shardIteratorType": "AFTER_SEQUENCE_NUMBER",
      "stream.kinesis.consumer.type": "lowlevel",
      "stream.kinesis.fetch.timeout.millis": "30000",
      "stream.kinesis.decoder.class.name": "org.apache.pinot.plugin.stream.kafka.KafkaJSONMessageDecoder",
      "stream.kinesis.consumer.factory.class.name": "org.apache.pinot.plugin.stream.kinesis.KinesisConsumerFactory",
      "realtime.segment.flush.threshold.size": "1000000",
      "realtime.segment.flush.threshold.time": "6h"
  "ingestionConfig": {
    "complexTypeConfig": {
      "delimiter": ".",
      "fieldsToUnnest": [
      "collectionNotUnnestedToJson": "NON_PRIMITIVE"
  "metadata": {
    "customConfigs": {}
Then I changed the schema to include the nested objects, as well as 
 , which is not nested.
Copy code
  "schemaName": "mobileEvent",
  "dimensionFieldSpecs": [
      "name": "one",
      "dataType": "STRING"
      "name": "two",
      "dataType": "STRING"
      "name": "five",
      "dataType": "STRING"
      "name": "payload.context.one",
      "dataType": "STRING"
      "name": "payload.context.two",
      "dataType": "STRING"
      "name": "payload.message.one",
      "dataType": "STRING"
      "name": "payload.message.two",
      "dataType": "STRING"
  "metricFieldSpecs": [
      "name": "three",
      "dataType": "INT"
  "dateTimeFieldSpecs": [
      "name": "fourTimestamp",
      "dataType": "STRING",
      "format": "1:MILLISECONDS:EPOCH",
      "granularity": "1:MILLISECONDS"
The new schema shows up in the UI to the left of the table, but none of the new additions are showing up in the table. Even 
 which is not nested. Is there something invalid about my complexTypeConfig?
@User could you take a look?
@User Did you re-generate the segments?
nope. I just did
./pinot-admin.sh AddTable -tableConfigFile
./pinot-admin.sh AddSchema -schemaFile
Jackie, now I see them (I did nothing yet) but they are all null.
note that complex type handling is on master and will be released in 0.8
but not available in 0.7.1
🙌 1
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OK. So I should expect it not to work until 0.8 is released? Any idea when that will be?
@User ^
We are about to start the 0.8 release work shortly, so may be a few weeks. The delay is because we are also working on Apache graduation, and the release process of incubating project is somewhat different from the top level project.
🙌 1
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