<@U026DKEPRH8> and are facing the issue with selec...
# general
@User and are facing the issue with select * on the pinot, the select * is not reflecting all the columns of the table, when we do select with individual column names, they are getting reflected correctly, has anyone else faced any such problems?
Do all your segments in the table have all the columns?
One possibility is that you added new columns later one and did not perform a backfill, or reload (to auto-backfill with default values)?
👍 1
@User now that most Pinot users have schema, it might be a good idea to set the list of columns for select * via schema instead of looking at individual segment
Yes, good idea @User. Will file an issue.
@User Do you think you can help file an issue detailing the problem you ran into? That way, it will be associated with the actual issue that happened, instead of an enhancement request.