Hi group, I am trying to do a join of two realtime...
# general
Hi group, I am trying to do a join of two realtime tables, but I get an error that my segment is empty
presto error: null value in entry: Server_172.23.0.5_8098=null.
when I check the realtime table I don't have segments already created. but when I query the same table without a join it returns a result
Hi @User we’re you able to resolve this issue?
Yes. Basically this is related to how Presto executes the query in Pinot. If there are no aggregation in the query, Presto queries the segments directly without going through the broker, since my real-time time table is not yet committed, no segment exist thus the reason for the error. To solve it, basically I added a count(1) in the query just to trick Presto into seeing it as an aggregation query. Another solution is to change the presto connector setting
to true. This ensure all queries goes through the broker which I don't prefer since I will have offline tables and do not want overwhelm the brokers.
That seems like a bug.. consuming segments should be included cc @User
@User I am not sure if it is a bug since this is documented in the Pinot connector in presto connectors documentation. https://prestodb.io/docs/current/connector/pinot.html
Please refer to this issue: https://github.com/apache/pinot/issues/7183 @User is on this.
@User @User