An important question, can we use pinot for this u...
# general
An important question, can we use pinot for this usecase. I want to store users and attributes. The attributes will keep increasing. But user base can remain constant or incrementaly increase. The writes and reads are very high on this data store. I am interested to use query routing feature to replica groups for reads and support writes at high scale.
Pinot is designed for realtime OLAP operations. It also supports data ingestion in realtime and batch. I'm not sure it's fit your case. Do you have any analytical operations?
For my current use case, I dont have any OLAP operations. Its just a point query based on a user id and attribute. I know it supports ingestion in batch and real time. I am not worried about the ingestion part actually. Just whether my use case fits in pinot because it is not a timeseries data model.
you can use cassandra or redis (if you want to use memory based db) with userid and attribute key Or just use relational database (like postgres) if your data size is not too much
pinot is not a good option for you
Yes thank you. I was thinking to go with Cassandra or aerospike. I will evaluate these two.
👍 1
+1 to what @User said. This is not a good fit for Pinot. Any NoSQL database or even simple relational dbms will do the job