:wave: Heyyyy to all the new :wine_glass: members!...
# general
👋 Heyyyy to all the new 🍷 members! 😄 Please tell us who you are and what brought you here! @User @User @User @User @User @User @User @User @User @User @User @User @User @User @User @User @User @User @User @User @User @User @User @User @User @User @User @User @User @User @User @User @User @User @User @User @User @User @User @User @User @User @User @User @User @User @User @User @User
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Hi all!! I am (slowly) evaluating Pinot and hope to spend much more time with it in the coming weeks. I came across Pinot after looking for an alternative to Druid that might be easier to maintain but offer some of the same types of OLAP over either Kafka data or data stored on an S3 data lake (via presto). I am looking for a tool that augments what Snowflake provides (in the space of ad hoc on higher latency queries.) I hope to sell my organization on the power of going beyond the "snowflake model" to understand assembly "flows" in manufacturing. K8s is important to me so a big part of my evaluation will be how i make this work within my infrastructure (deployed via Argo-CD along with all our other great open source apps) Look forward to learning with you all!
Hi All, I am here to contribute and raise PR’s. Previously contributed to Kafka and Druid.
My firm is in the very early stages of exploring Pinot and I am just here to be able to search around for FAQs I have and keep an eye on the roadmap. I work with Tiger Zhao.
Hello, I am here to explore Pinot in our organization for user facing analytics in aws cloud infra. hugely interested in the operability and maintainability aspects of it in production workloads.
Amazing @User!!!!! We're so happy about that and thank you so much for being part of this community! @User and @User welcome! I see you already asked some questions, but if there's anything else we can help with, please let us know! @User Ooooo interesting!!! Keep us posted on your progress and let us know if you have questions we can help with!
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Hey all, I am also here to know more about to Apache Pinot and contribute to the same 🙂