:wave: Hi y’all, I’m taking the day off work to v...
# general
👋 Hi y’all, I’m taking the day off work to volunteer on pinot. I mostly work on streaming data related tasks day to day, would it be reasonable if I gave implementing a
a try? I haven’t seen anyone clammering for it, but I thought it might be worth giving it a go.
👋 1
thats amazing Grant!
go for it, I think protobuf is also another one that users have asked for
feel free to ping us if you need any guidance/help
Sounds good! We use a bit of protobuf around here. Now that it’s included in the schema registry, I am sure that it’s not too far off from how the KafkaAvroMessageDecoder works right now
I’ll start with thrift and keep y’all up to date with how it’s going. There’s no JIRA or any other work tracker for this project, right?
there is, we use github
🙏 1
this was the record reader but that only works for batch ingestion
Okay, I’ve got a first pass here. I won’t have time to finish it up today, but I’ll give it some more polish in a few weeks: https://github.com/apache/pinot/pull/7620/files
Thanks @User. that was quick. Did a quick review. It looks good, add the test case and we should be able to get the V0 merged