Hi folks! Let me ask a question about SQL queries ...
# general
Hi folks! Let me ask a question about SQL queries in Pinot: is it possible to either truncate a table, or at least delete all of its rows? I'm asking this because I want to be able to do that for integration-testing my application. Thanks!
Yes. You can delete all the segments using rest api call
Hi, yes, you can delete all segments from a Pinot table using rest-api (Swagger).
Ah, got it, thanks! I'll try that 🙂
👍 1
It worked just fine, thanks!
Cool, thanks for confirming.
How do I immediately create a new segment after that, though? If I delete all segments, I'm left with no segment where I can put my data as part of my tests...
See base cluster integration test.. @ken had some ideas of creating a miniPinot cluster for test purpose
Where can I see that? Was that a discussion here in the channel?
Yes but we use free slack and it has no history
Oh... that's why I couldn't find it then 😞
Anyway, it's already late here and I'll continue this tomorrow. Thanks a lot for the help, guys!