Is regex_like function supported on map column? e....
# general
Is regex_like function supported on map column? e.g query
Copy code
SELECT mapValue(mapDim1__KEYS, 'k1', mapDim1__VALUES) FROM FeatureTest1 WHERE  REGEXP_LIKE(mapValue(mapDim1__KEYS, 'k1', mapDim1__VALUES), '^p.*')  LIMIT 5
Tried similar query on (pinot 0.7.1) and getting exception.
We are moving towards JSON data type, instead of MAP/List etc. For JSON data type, you can set a JSON index as well as a text index and do TEXT_MATCH queries. However, the text index is on the entire json blob treated as text, as opposed to individual fields.
It should work. What exception did you get?
@User Is there also plan to extend JSON_MATCH index to support regex kind of query on one of its key, value expression for value type is string. e.g
It should work. What exception did you get?
was getting below exception.
Copy code
    "message": "QueryExecutionError:\njava.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException\n\tat java.base/java.nio.Buffer.checkIndex(Unknown Source)\n\tat java.base/java.nio.DirectByteBuffer.get(Unknown Source)\n\tat org.apache.pinot.core.segment.memory.PinotByteBuffer.getByte(\n\tat\n\tat org.apache.pinot.core.segment.index.readers.BaseImmutableDictionary.getUnpaddedString(\n\tat org.apache.pinot.core.segment.index.readers.StringDictionary.getStringValue(\n\tat org.apache.pinot.core.operator.filter.predicate.RegexpLikePredicateEvaluatorFactory$DictionaryBasedRegexpLikePredicateEvaluator.applySV(\n\tat org.apache.pinot.core.operator.dociditerators.ExpressionScanDocIdIterator.processProjectionBlock(\n\tat\n\tat org.apache.pinot.core.operator.dociditerators.ExpressionScanDocIdIterator.advance(\n\tat\n\tat org.apache.pinot.core.operator.DocIdSetOperator.getNextBlock(\n\tat org.apache.pinot.core.operator.DocIdSetOperator.getNextBlock(\n\tat org.apache.pinot.core.operator.BaseOperator.nextBlock(",
    "errorCode": 200
You can build both json and text index on the json column, and then perform regex match. But right now you can't do text index based on individual json fields.
Here regex match will be on entire json string, right?
@User Hey, this worked fine
SELECT mapValue(mapDim1__KEYS, 'k1', mapDim1__VALUES) FROM FeatureTest1 WHERE  REGEXP_LIKE(mapValue(mapDim1__KEYS, 'k1', mapDim1__VALUES), '^p.*')  LIMIT 5
once I added startTime and endTime filter on the time column and ``mapValue(mapDim1__KEYS, 'k1', mapDim1__VALUES) != ''`. Looks like there was an issue if either key or value is missing on some of the rows.
I think the problem might be
mapValue(mapDim1__KEYS, 'k1', mapDim1__VALUES)
will throw exception when
does not exist in the
. Can you try adding a filter
AND mapDim1__KEYS = 'k1'
and see if it works?