Hi, is there an easy way to get the version of pin...
# general
Hi, is there an easy way to get the version of pinot that each node of the cluster is running? I.e. I want to know the version for each controller, broker, server and minion via a rest endpoint. I know there is
pinot-admin.sh -v
but that gives me th version of each jar on the node where it runs, this is not exactly what I'm looking for
Right, I think that's been fixed in 0.9 issue #7456
You have http://localhost:9000/help#/Version/getVersionNumber but I think that's the same as
pinot-admin.sh -v
We are still at 0.8.0 which returns a empty JSON object. In that screenshot looks like the output is the same of pinot-admin indeed and from the screenshot in the github issue looks like that's what I'll get
I need an aggregate view of all nodes in the cluster
You might have to create a GitHub issue b/c I'm not aware of a way to get that data - https://github.com/apache/pinot/issues/new
Thanks Mark, I'll raise the issue in GH