Hi team, I have question about Pinot retention, is...
# general
Hi team, I have question about Pinot retention, is the retentionTimeValue changeable without recreating offline table? And what could be the reason segment with data older than retention period doesn't get deleted?
Yes, changing retention does not require recreating offline table. Retention job is a periodic thread, so it may take a few hours for it to be invoked (I think every 6 hours). Also, note that retention happens based on time column values in the segment, and not the time stamp when segment was created. So if your segment has even a single record that needs to be retained, the segment won’t be deleted.
Thanks, I will check our segment logic.
👍 1
I spot checked a segment, it's max value of time column is 2020, and the time column is a INT 1DAYSEPOC datetimefieldspecs in table config. Not sure why it's still being retented. We have segmentsConfig.retentionTimeValue: 360 unit in days.
any logs in the controller related to that segment fro the RetentionManager ?
this can happe if the startTime and endTime is not set correctly in the segment zk metadata. can you check those values in segment zk metadata via zk browser?
Thank you for the information, we will check that.