Similar to the question above, is it possible to e...
# general
Similar to the question above, is it possible to explicitly update rows in already committed arguments? Not that I need this now, so please don't take this question with much importance, I'm just thinking about some possible future usages for Pinot in my company
There is upsert capability
Is that what you are referring to?
Not exactly, although that could be enough. I was thinking more in the direction of having an "update only" operation - like, if the record doesn't exist, then don't insert anything. But in my specific case, it would be in a situation where we would know exactly what rows would need to be updated, so it would be an "upsert" but which in practice would end up always being an "update" 😄
Ah, sorry, please ignore my question; In this particular case I'm thinking about, it would be in a project that would be doing batch ingestion, so instead of using upserts we would be using the backfill functionality then.
Yep, backfill is supported.
Awesome 🙂