Hi everyone, can Apache Pinot supports a list of l...
# general
Hi everyone, can Apache Pinot supports a list of lists data type (a multi-valued column where values are also lists)? Thanks.
Pinot supports JSON for complex data types, you can use that?
yes, I can use Json but this would results in more complicated queries (we generate queries on the fly) in addition to the performance hit from using Json.
What’s the performance hit with JSON you are referring to?
There’s JSON indexing that performs very well.
From docs: It’s not performant to group by or order by a JSON field, because
is needed to extract the values in the GROUP BY and ORDER BY clauses, which invokes the function evaluation.
I was looking for something similar to Presto’s support for ARRAY that can have ROW where ROW again can have ARRAY. Ex:
select ARRAY[ROW(ARRAY[1,2], ARRAY['a','b'])];
We don’t have that yet (perhaps file a GH issue with request). For performance, I’d recommend trying it out, as it depends on a lot of factors including your SLA requirement, query selectivity etc