Hi Folks, I'm trying to load test Apache pinot wit...
# general
Hi Folks, I'm trying to load test Apache pinot with jmeter, From where can I download the PINOT JDBC driver jar ? I have included the pinot-jdbc-client-0.9.3.jar in the JMETER path however it's resulting in internal dependency related errors ... Is there a PINOT JDBC Driver jar that i could use directly ?
Please use Pinot Java client not JDBC driver
I have added this jar at the Test plan level still facing: Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.ning.http.client.AsyncHttpClientConfig$Builder Error
Are you using Pinot JDBC driver or Pinot client?
As suggested I am using the pinot-java-client jar
@User Here's the solution. Sorry for the late reply. You can use the 0.10.0 release and build from source. Make sure you include these two JARs in the JMETER path as well. If you must use 0.9.3, I can provide you with a different set of JARs. Also make sure both JDBC client JAR and Pinot client JAR are on the class path as well.
cp ~/.m2/repository/org/asynchttpclient/async-http-client/2.12.3/async-http-client-2.12.3.jar ~/.
cp ~/.m2/repository/org/reactivestreams/reactive-streams/1.0.3/reactive-streams-1.0.3.jar ~/.