If I want to run pinot-admin.sh StartController co...
# general
If I want to run pinot-admin.sh StartController command using args instead of using a config file. How can I set properties like controller.host, controller.data.dir, etc?
Yes, that is possible. You can see the supported CLI configs here - https://docs.pinot.apache.org/operators/cli#start-controller
what about pinot.server.instance.id property?
That is not possible I think. You will have to use config file for that. Can I understand why do you want to avoid a config file? Is it due to limited access to environment, security reasons or something else?
It’s not a problem if I build a Docker image and put the config file in it. Otherwise, I have to use data volume.
I think if it’s not necessary to set instanceId if hostname and port is already set. So, it’s no longer a problem for me. 😅. Thanks @User
Yeah, it is not necessary. By default, it will use host and port