Hi, Pinot creates initially the same number segmen...
# general
Hi, Pinot creates initially the same number segments as the number of a topic partition when ingesting a Kafka stream data to a table. Can I adjust the segment number instead of the topic partition number?
By adjusting, you mean fix the number of segments equal to number of partitions OR just append some number suffix?
If a topic has 100 partitions, can Pinot create just 20 segments when the table is initially created?
I mean, if a topic has 100 partitions, 100 partition consumers will be created, right? Can partition consumer numbers be adjusted?
No, that wont be possible. For lowLevel consumer, each partition is consumed independently of others and goes into a different segment.
We may be able to do in future with already added classes for PartitionGroups whereby few partitions can be mapped to a single consumer. Currently, though, there is no plan for doing that
Alice.. any reason why you want to do this?
You can always merge segments into bigger segments later
Maintaining one segment per partition has a lot of benefits
due to limited resources, cpus. If a topic has 100 partitions, I want to create 5 tables to consume the same topic, will 500 partition consumers be created? Any suggest I can refer to design my table?
Thanks, but how can I do this? To merge segments into bigger segments?
One way to merge them is once they're in an offline table you can use the merge rollup task - https://dev.startree.ai/docs/pinot/recipes/merge-small-segments
Ok, I’ll try. Thanks. @User
there's also a video explaining how it works in more detail -


Thanks, that’s very helpful.
See real-time to offline minion task