Hey folks, something I learned about Pinot batch i...
# general
Hey folks, something I learned about Pinot batch ingestion, today: it can be a bit picky with the input configuration, so for example:
Copy code
inputDirURI: '/foo/bar'
includeFileNamePattern: 'glob:baz/**/*.json'
doesn't work if you want to ingest from JSON files inside
. Instead, this should be used:
Copy code
inputDirURI: '/foo/bar/baz'
includeFileNamePattern: 'glob:**/*.json'
notice how
goes to the deepest possible fixed subdirectory, and then the pattern will start from there.
Hi @User - thanks for sharing that very useful site! Iā€™d written a little tool try glob patterns, but this is much easier and more powerful.
Thank you, guys! šŸ™‚