Hi! I was wondering if any of the Thirdeye folks a...
# general
Hi! I was wondering if any of the Thirdeye folks are in here? They used to have their own slack but I don't see it anymore. I was going to ask if I could help them in updated some of the docs as well as code base. I am not seeing much activity, the docker hub container is old and documents are incorrect so maybe thirdeye is not around anymore?
👍 1
Hi @User I am product manager for ThirdEye. We are working on source availability a new version of ThirdEye in mid of June. Stay tuned for the announcement. If you are interested to be an early adopter then please let me know and we can get started engaging with you to understand your use-case. cc: @User
❤️ 1
Absolutely but anyway to get what's out there now working?
if you want to try out the new version then in 2-3 weeks you can do so. For now to make the existing to work... Including @User and @User to share the details. What is your goal and use-case? Are you going to try it out?
I am looking to integrate the detections thirdeye provides into our data flows to gain additional insight to outliers
I have used it before when it work
ok. Sounds good... If you would like to continue to use old version I will let @User and @User to share the details. Please note: We might not be able to provide much support on the old version as we move forward. The new one is not very different from old one. Just it comes with lot more flexibility and ease of use in mind for users of ThirdEye
The old version doesn't work either anymore 🙂
Do you have the correct link to the repo??
Let me invite to you a sub-thread with few other folks and not spam the general thread :)
awesome ty!
Interested as well
Hi @User Thanks for expressing your interest! I will create a slack thread and we can take the discussion there.
👍 1