Hello, I've started exploring Pinot.. So is there ...
# general
Hello, I've started exploring Pinot.. So is there any way to define primary key & foreign key relationships so that we can maintain mapping? Because, how will it support join without maintaining relationships?
So, there is no way to maintain relationships, right? We have use case like there is student table & subject table, which has foreign key relationship based on subjectID. So, is there any way by which it supports hibernate-ORM like functionality to update/modify child table(referenced) based on parent table(referencing) modification?
Not at the moment. You need to denormalize the tables upfront, or can use presto/trino for joins.
Okay, so is pinot not built for applications where we need relations or relational use case?
It is not a relational database, it is an OLAP datastore
👍 1