<@U02FSGQU7S6> I am also trying to enable gcs logg...
# troubleshooting
@Javier Llorente Mañas I am also trying to enable gcs logging and remove minio altogether. I am having same configuration as yours. But my scheduler is crashing and the logs say this. What am i missing here?
Copy code
2022-03-22 05:10:51 INFO i.a.c.EnvConfigs(getEnvOrDefault):517 - {} - Using default value for environment variable S3_LOG_BUCKET: ''
2022-03-22 05:10:51 INFO i.a.c.EnvConfigs(getEnvOrDefault):517 - {} - Using default value for environment variable S3_LOG_BUCKET_REGION: ''
2022-03-22 05:10:51 INFO i.a.c.EnvConfigs(getEnvOrDefault):517 - {} - Using default value for environment variable AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID: ''
2022-03-22 05:10:51 INFO i.a.c.EnvConfigs(getEnvOrDefault):517 - {} - Using default value for environment variable AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY: ''
2022-03-22 05:10:51 INFO i.a.c.EnvConfigs(getEnvOrDefault):517 - {} - Using default value for environment variable S3_MINIO_ENDPOINT: ''
2022-03-22 05:10:51 INFO i.a.c.EnvConfigs(getEnvOrDefault):517 - {} - Using default value for environment variable GCP_STORAGE_BUCKET: ''
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.RuntimeException: Error no cloud credentials configured..
        at io.airbyte.config.helpers.CloudLogs.createCloudLogClient(CloudLogs.java:62)
        at io.airbyte.config.helpers.LogClientSingleton.createCloudClientIfNull(LogClientSingleton.java:161)
        at io.airbyte.config.helpers.LogClientSingleton.setWorkspaceMdc(LogClientSingleton.java:148)
        at io.airbyte.scheduler.app.SchedulerApp.main(SchedulerApp.java:198)
Which cloud creds is it referring to..? I have GCS service account passed as json through a k8s secret in the pod.
@Davin Chia (Airbyte) @Charles Giardina (Airbyte) @Chris Rose (Airbyte) Will you be able to help here?
I think looking at your logs seems that the GCS bucket it is not set
How do we set the GCS bucket
Copy code
    password: minio
    password: minio123
    enabled: false
    enabled: false
    host: ""
    port: ""
    enabled: false
    bucket: ""
    bucketRegion: ""
    bucket: "stage-airbyte-logs"
    credentials: "/secrets/gcs-log-creds/gcp.json"
I have these values being passed. I have created secret with gcp.json and mounted it to the pods at /secrets/gcs-log-creds path.