Hi, I’m trying to setup a destination via big que...
# troubleshooting
Hi, I’m trying to setup a destination via big query, but I keep receiving this message. Any help would be appreciated, thank you. com.google.gson.stream.MalformedJsonException: Use JsonReader.setLenient(true) to accept malformed JSON at line 1 column 1 path $
Hey can you confirm the service account json is passed in the right way?
@Harshith (Airbyte) Hi Harshith, thanks for the reply. Is there a way for me to show you, but I follow the guide and should have it set up correct.
Also set the roles for Editor +User
Also had it set up this way
Harshith (Airbyte) Hey, any updates?
@Harshith (Airbyte) Hey, any updates?
The only place we use json is the credentials JSON right? My hunch is that the json used there is not in right shape can you confirm that>
@Harshith (Airbyte) Just to make sure im putting the prive_key_id or should I put the private key?
@Harshith (Airbyte) I’m copying and pasting the Key Id inside the IAM & Admin -> Service Account -> Key Id
@Harshith (Airbyte) please let me know, thank you!
@Harshith (Airbyte) Can you show me what a successful json would look like?
@james yang see one example
@Marcos Marx (Airbyte) Hey Marco, excuse my ignorance, but I’ve inputed the “private_key_id” as the credentials is that the right credentials JSON ID?
no, you must paste the complete json object as showed in the image
@Marcos Marx (Airbyte) THAT WORK!!! Thank you so much 😭