Hi guys, I have attached logs for an airbyte conne...
# ask-community-for-troubleshooting
Hi guys, I have attached logs for an airbyte connection between postgres to snowflake. The sync succeeded but has resulted in 0 bytes and 0 records. I am sure that the info exists inside of the schema in postgres. Any ideas why? Any help is appreciated! Perhaps cc @Harshith (Airbyte) @John (Airbyte) and anyone else on the airbyte team
@Kevin Phan if you downgrade the postgres connector version to 0.4.4 it works?
it doesnt. Although i reran an existing connection. Do I have to set up a new one to apply the version change?
just verified in psql that the schema has the tables and data that I want
Can you share the connection screen shoot of the connection page?
@Marcos Marx (Airbyte) re-established the connection and it looks like its working. Why does downgrading the version work??
appreciate it btw
Some people are having problems with version 0.4.9 of postres
Seems I ran into an error which I assume its a snowflake schema error but seems like alot of idiomatic airbtyte messages. Any idea what the problem is here?
(end of logs)