Hello! It is possible to add custom labels to a wo...
# troubleshooting
Hello! It is possible to add custom labels to a worker pod in k8s?
I am looking into the Airbyte source code an it seems that this option it is not possible
Hi @Javier Llorente Mañas I found this PR which will allow addition of custom annotations to pods created by the workers. Is it what's you're looking for?
yes that’s what I was looking for 😅
Well actually this PR it is not solving my issue I need to be able to add custom labels to the worker pods
the worker pods are created by the Kube deployment yamls and not dynamically created, you can add the labels in your yaml
yeah sorry not the worker pods, I am referring to the source and destination pods
sorry not the worker pods. I am referring to the source and destination pods. These pods are created dynamically by the worker pods if I am not mistaken and it is not possible to add labels to the pods.
Hi @Javier Llorente Mañas sorry I confused annotations and labels. This is indeed not possible at the moment. Feel free to open an issue and contribute to this if you want. Could you share why you need to set custom labels?
Company-wise for cost control we would like to have an overview of all the costs per app. To do so we label all the resources from each app.
Could it be possible to track cost per Kube namespace?
yeah it is as well another solution but we do not have that separation 😅