Hey everyone! I saw some messages where people ask...
# contributing-to-airbyte
Hey everyone! I saw some messages where people asking about Python client/wrapper for Airbyte API. I ran into the same problem some time ago and wrote this wrapper by OpenAPI specification. So I loaded it to my GitHub and I am happy if it help someone!
p.s. Airbyte team, if I can make it more "visible" by Airbyte users, just let me know how to do that because I never contributed anything. I'm talking about adding some link to Airbyte repo or uploading this wrapper to some branch in Airbyte repo (it's not important for me to have this code in my GitHub). Thanks!
Hi @maxim thanks for sharing! Could you please explain how you generated the client? We use openapi-generator to generate this kind of client for Java and Python (in our octavia-cli project), did you add some logic on top of the generate code?
@Augustin Lafanechere (Airbyte) I haven't found any generator for OpenAPI and wrote my own 😄 And I can't tell you the difference between my client and the result of some other generator because I haven't used the last one.
All right, feel free to give a try to this generator too, it worked pretty well with our OpenAPi spec: https://github.com/OpenAPITools/openapi-generator
Great! Thank you, @Augustin Lafanechere (Airbyte)