Hello everyone :wave: I wanted to use Airbyte for...
# connector-development
Hello everyone 👋 I wanted to use Airbyte for creating product integrations for my users, but I’m not sure if this is the right fit When playing with Airbyte to test it, correct me if I’m wrong, but it seems like you can only get data from tools you personally have access to What my users want is to connect their tool accounts on our webapp, so that we can sync their data to our tool Example: user want to connect their Pipedrive CRM to our tool to sync data between them. They connect their Pipedrive account through our webapp, and we use Airbyte to sync their data to our DB for this user Is it possible to setup something like that using Airbyte ? Or is it too complicated and not a good fit ?
Hi @Robin, if I understand your request correctly: your company will run Airbyte (not your users), and you want your users to give you access to their Pipedrive CRM and you take care of syncing it to whatever destination. If I'm right this use case is what we call "Powered By Airbyte": you can read about it here. In this context your webapp will receive connections details from the user, and your backend will call our API to create a new source with these credentials on your Airbyte instance.
Exactly @Augustin Lafanechere (Airbyte), merci !
@Augustin Lafanechere (Airbyte) is this a recent release? Or has this been there for a while? I had not seen it
Hi @Marcos Chicote, this is not a recent release, it's rather a potential use case of Airbyte which is not tied to a specific technical feature.
but is the landing page new @Augustin Lafanechere (Airbyte)? I haven’t seen it before