Hello folks, I'd like to work on an article on Air...
# write-for-the-community
Hello folks, I'd like to work on an article on Airbyte's CDC support. I believe there's an issue created already [1]. Please advise me on how to proceed. [1] https://github.com/airbytehq/write-for-the-community/issues/81
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Hi @Dunith I've actually checked, and someone has already taken this one on. Is there another topic that you'd be interested in talking about?
That's alright. I will come up with another topic.
@abhi does that imply there's someone using CDC with MySQL source in production already? I tried inquiring around to see if there were any users successfully running it but haven’t found anyone yet
@gunu Unfortunately not, the writer of this is just writing it as an educational piece. I'll also try to find production usage, there is a lack of real world examples right now.