Hello, hope there is an answer: I ran the code on ...
# ask-community-for-troubleshooting
Hello, hope there is an answer: I ran the code on my local terminal to create an ssh tunnel, however the following message is being displayed. bind (...) Address already in use channel_setup_fwd_listener_tcpip: cannot listen to port: 8000 Could not request local forwarding. How can I fix it in order to access localhost properly...
👀 1
Hey can you help me more information on what is that code you have run?
Sure, I've run the following code gcloud --project=named-perigee-343716 beta compute ssh airbyte -- -L 8000localhost8000 -N -f in order to connect to airbyte, but that issue always appears, How can I replace whats occupying the port 8000
gcloud --project=named-perigee-343716 beta compute ssh airbyte -- -L 8000:localhost:9000 -N -f
this is going to open a ssh tunnel in a different port