<@U02V1SH25A9> can you ask the cluster adm to see ...
# troubleshooting
@Carlos Silva can you ask the cluster adm to see if it’s allow from a pod to launch another pods? the Airbyte Worker try to launch the source and destinations
I asked. So, We created a pod on the worker and It worked but it took 30 seconds to create. However when the worker tries it fails with time out in 10 seconds. We checked and the airbyte has a parameter 'socket_connection_setup_timeout_ms' that it's set in 10 seconds.
I think so @Carlos Silva deploying Airbyte on Kubernetes you need to configure some timeouts because the launch process to more time than compared to Docker containers
@Marcos Marx (Airbyte), Do You know wich timouts would be interesting make some adjustments?
load balancer mainly
@Marcos Marx (Airbyte) to solve the timeout issue We needed to include eviroment variables that configure the library used to interact with the Kubernetes API: extraEnv: - name: JOB_KUBE_TOLERATIONS value: 'key=preemptible,operator=Equal,value=true,effect=NoSchedule' - name: JOBS_DATABASE_INITIALIZATION_TIMEOUT_MS value: "600000" - name: CONFIG_DATABASE_INITIALIZATION_TIMEOUT_MS value: "600000" - name: KUBERNETES_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT value: "600000" - name: KUBERNETES_REQUEST_TIMEOUT value: "600000" - name: KUBERNETES_UPLOAD_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT value: "600000" - name: KUBERNETES_UPLOAD_REQUEST_TIMEOUT value: "600000" - name: KUBERNETES_WEBSOCKET_TIMEOUT value: "600000"
It solved the problem!
Thank you a lot for you support!
Hey @Carlos Silva, @Marcos Marx (Airbyte), can you please let me know exactly where these Env variables are to be set? I'd like to set these as helm params but I'm not sure what the exact name/key should be.
Hey @Carlos Silva, @Marcos Marx (Airbyte), can you please let me know exactly where these Env variables are to be set? I'd like to set these as helm params but I'm not sure what the exact name/key should be.
Hey, @Madhup Sukoon You can refer to this: https://github.com/fabric8io/kubernetes-client
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