curious when upgrading airbyte including upgrading...
# ask-community-for-troubleshooting
curious when upgrading airbyte including upgrading all connectors as well?
only if there is a patch version, if it’s a major update of the connector can include backwards compability and the connector wont be updated to not break your connection.
hmmm, have put off upgrading since 0.35, appears with the 0.37.1 upgrade over 40+ connectors were updated... I stopped updating due to the constant breaking changes with connectors... How screwed am I? 🙂
appears with the 0.37.1 upgrade over 40+ connectors were updated... I stopped updating due to the constant breaking changes with connectors...
theorically after upgrading to 0.37.1 connectors shouldn’t be update unless a patch version. Did you or are you planning to upgrade?
Also, you can disable all your connection, save the version of all connectors (get from the database) upgrade to latest and if any are modified you can revert using the database value
yeah it changed all the target data types for the raw data
which broke every downstream transformation