Hello, I define an Azure SQL Connection to AWS S3 ...
# ask-community-for-troubleshooting
Hello, I define an Azure SQL Connection to AWS S3 and the synchronization work fine with Full refresh |Overwrite mode. When I want to choose Full refresh |Append mode the setting is not save by Airbyte and is reset to Full refresh |Overwrite when I come back to the parameters tab. Do you have any Issue to this problem please ?
What version of Airbyte are you using?
the application is running with docker on ec2 instance.
@[DEPRECATED] Marcos Marx any idea?
Hello, I still have the same problem, someone can help me please ?
@Fabrice Simon there's something going on somewhere in Airbyte internals that causes this + other issues. I recommend pinning your: • airbyte version • source connector versions • destination connector versions And only make updates to either of them after checking through the releases notes since your prev version. -- I am currently going backwards to find a stable release for my setup of required source / destinations. Can let you know what i landed on if you want me to.
• Thanks for your answer. I use Airbyte version : 0.36.6-alpha source Mysql : 0.5.9 destination S3 : 0.3.3
@Max Krog
Hello, I upgrade source and destination connectors by I still have the problem. When I want to save incremental configuration it's ok but when I come back to the connections UI, the table is in Full Refresh configuration. It's a major for problem for me, does anyone have the same problem ?
@Fabrice Simon I think this UI bug is solved in latest version of Airbyte. Upgradeing the connector wont fix it
ok thanks, I'll check.
Let me know if you continue having this problem
Thanks, I think it's ok. I'll check more tomorrow.