Hello everyone. Im experimenting with octavia-cli,...
# ask-community-for-troubleshooting
Hello everyone. Im experimenting with octavia-cli, and I have an issue with generating connection between two postgres databases. Creation of source and destionation works fine, but when I generate yaml file for connection the ending looks like this
Copy code
syncCatalog: # OPTIONAL | object | 🚨 ONLY edit streams.config, streams.stream should not be edited as schema cannot be changed.
This is causing error while trying to do
octavia apply
. Can somebody help me with proper values/template? Or is there any other template I can use. See stack error here https://pastebin.com/uW6hqivv Thanks!
✅ 1
Hey @Radim Sasinka, could you check from the UI if you are able to retrieve the source schema when you set up a connection? I'd be happy to provide additional help on our forum.
Hi @Augustin Lafanechere (Airbyte). Thanks for the reply, it was indeed issue on our side due to firewall restrictions. Is there any plan to add 'test' command to octavia, so user can check if the configuration is able to retrieve schemas/establish proper connection?
Also, I have follow up questions/ideas reagarding Octavia-cli. What would be the best place for them?
Is there any plan to add 'test' command to octavia, so user can check if the configuration is able to retrieve schemas/establish proper connection?
Yes, I just created an issue that you can subscribe to receive updates.
Also, I have follow up questions/ideas reagarding Octavia-cli. What would be the best place for them?
Could you rephrase this question, I don't really understand it. Do you mind posting it on our forum in the Q/A section?
Yes, sorry for that. Currently, I'm trying to experiment with octavia to find out if it would suits our needs. While doing this, I encoutered a few problems or some questions come up. I would like to know, where I could ask / discuss these. But I suppose I should create topic in Q/A section of your forum. Thanks a lot.