Hello All! I am using open source Airbyte and try...
# ask-community-for-troubleshooting
Hello All! I am using open source Airbyte and trying to set up an s3 destination. I was able to setup S3 as a source no problem, but with the destination I get the following error:
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Could not connect to the S3 bucket with the provided configuration. Access Denied (Service: Amazon S3; Status Code: 403; Error Code: AccessDenied; Request ID: 957Y2B54792WRDA5; S3 Extended Request ID: tDwOZ1RwjxmSWqZEwJgnOf/znv31wes1vIrfX3QoiJO0Fuyyowm0ji5qyZwjw7nbll927GuSVLA=; Proxy: null)
Hey @Jarren Scheller this is likely a permission issue. You should have read, list, and write (multipart upload) permissions on your destination bucket. If you need further assistance please post on our troubleshooting forum.