What can be the cause of that?
# dev-frontend
What can be the cause of that?
Are you getting a CORS error? Airbyte uses port 8001 as well. If that port isn't available it could be the cause.
Corrensa, can you share the logs / errors from your browser + from the backend / docker?
this 1
but I second what Armand is saying ^
yeah, we would need to see server logs from docker or firefox developer console logs to get to the bottom of this.
this is console logs
message has been deleted
Cross-Origin Request Blocked: The Same Origin Policy disallows reading the remote resource at http://localhost:8001/api/v1/workspaces/get. (Reason: CORS request did not succeed).
@Armand it seems it is what you said
🙏 1
I tried to install a browser extension to enable it but seems not working
@Corrensa What type of computer/server are you connecting to? I don't know any generic instructions on how to debug from here, though someone else may be more knowledgeable
I'm running the aibyte containers in my PC
And I'm trying to access it , not a remote server
From the logs it looks like there’s something:
[35mairbyte-server |[0m Exception in thread “main” java.lang.IllegalStateException: Version mismatch between 0.16.1-alpha and 0.14.1-alpha.
[35mairbyte-server |[0m Please upgrade or reset your Airbyte Database, see more at https://docs.airbyte.io/tutorials/upgrading-airbyte
[35mairbyte-server |[0m at io.airbyte.commons.version.AirbyteVersion.assertIsCompatible(AirbyteVersion.java:112)
[35mairbyte-server |[0m at io.airbyte.server.ServerApp.main(ServerApp.java:199)
If you don’t mind reconfiguring your sources/destinations/syncs the easiest way to deal with this is to delete your volumes with
docker-compose down -v
and then starting from scratch on the new version (btw we’re at 0.17.2 now)
@Jared Rhizor (Airbyte) but i can't even access the web UI
message has been deleted
The browser logs you pasted seem to refer to localhost8000.com not localhost:8000? Are there different error messages for localhost:8000?
@Corrensa try updating Airbyte first