Hi everyone, I am planning to use Airbyte in our t...
# ask-ai
Hi everyone, I am planning to use Airbyte in our team for replication. We are currently using Redshift and are evaluating Snowflake as a potential warehouse alternative. Does anyone know if it's easier to move the ingestion task destination from redshift to snowflake (assuming the existing data is moved)?
Airbyte needs to ingest data from the start point to save the state, other reason is because Airbyte has it's own logic to ingest data (raw tables, record structure etc)
Thanks for the response Marcos. I understand that it needs to ingest data from start point but let's say if it already did that against a particular target (Redshift in this case) and we switch the target to Snowflake (and moved the data from redshift to snowflake), ideally the ingestion side of things shouldn't be dependent on what the target is as long as state information is kept intact.
You only want to change the Redshift destination to Snowflake, and that the connection continues from the last Redshift state?
yes exactly
Unfortunately no, you need to create a new connection.
ok got it. thank you for clarifying!