Hi, I would appreciate help in upgrading an existi...
# ask-community-for-troubleshooting
Hi, I would appreciate help in upgrading an existing airbyte solution I inherited. Airbyte installed on GCP VM ubuntu 20.04 Current version: https://github.com/airbytehq/airbyte/releases/tag/v0.30.16-alpha The docs https://docs.airbyte.com/operator-guides/upgrading-airbyte instruct to checkout v0.32.0-alpha-patch-1 first if I am understanding it correctly : "If your current version of airbyte is < v0.32.0-alpha-patch-1, you first need to upgrade to this version before upgrading to any later version." but this has failed miserably for some reason and I spent 2 hours getting back to previous state. The UI was not accessible, airbyte-server logs had no errors, but the DB server logs showed sql stmt errors. This leads me to believe the upgrade doc is incorrect. I can try installing the same prod version locally on my dev environment and try upgrading from there but would like to avoid a lot of trial and error if possible. So, again, I'd really appreciate help on getting my instance up to date without losing existing connections.
👍 1
I am facing this too, not sure what is wrong
Used the below commands
Copy code
git clone <https://github.com/airbytehq/airbyte.git>
cd airbyte
docker-compose up
I've done testing locally....tried just upgrading to next and it worked fine. But not directly to latest. Although not sure what happens to destination objects as i have no connectors locally and I think DBT normalize changed. M last update to master crashed my docker along with wsl instance and windows. Rebooted and it was ok. But i still don't feel comfortable upgrading prod.
The procesa is ugly as it turns out to be a lot of compose down, git checkout next, compose up, then repeat, potentially crashing docker and vm
@User Upgrading? From which version?
@Hrvoje Piasevoli I am using the latest version by pulling the latest from github