I am trying to load data from sql table to another...
# ask-community-for-troubleshooting
I am trying to load data from sql table to another sql table from different database , data got loaded to destination successfully , but in log it says failure and giving below error message,please help me in resolving issue
It looks like its trying to normalize your data. Did you select an option in the sync to do that? Does your data need normalization or is it just "move table a to table b"?
Hi , It is just move table A to Table B , I have not selected any option to Normalize data , Please guide how to overcome this error
Can you post your config? If it's a connector from sql source to sql destination with no normalization it shouldn't be initializing normalization.
yes with No Normalization , it is working fine , When I select normaize option I am getting this error , I have selected Normalize option as I want data in tabular format instead of Json format
If I select Raw Data it is working fine