I have a custom connector that I believe is workin...
# connector-development
I have a custom connector that I believe is working
Copy code
python main.py read --config sample_files/config.json --catalog sample_files/configured_catalog.json
returns the desired result. I need some help adding the connector to the airbyte UI
for a local instance, build your Docker image for your connector locally (with any tag you want e.g. ryanwerth/myconnector:dev)
then you should be able to add that as described in those docs to your local airbyte ui
Yup got it working. Thanks a lot. Am still learning how to use Docker.
Any help on adding a logo to my connector? I assume it has something to do with source_defintions.yaml
Obviously that would just be the cherry on top at this point haha
I'm not sure on logo, would be a good question to search for / ask on our discourse
Perfect. Thanks for your help!