wondering if someone can help me with s3 source co...
# ask-community-for-troubleshooting
wondering if someone can help me with s3 source configs. I am running into
Copy code
pyarrow.lib.ArrowInvalid: CSV parse error: Expected 1 columns, got 9
when attempting to sync. I think its related to my config atleast. Here is an example file in s3...
Copy code
{"userId":"615630dc81cd","sourceLanguage":"en","targetLanguage":"de","sourcePhrase":"a bit","sourceRoot":"bit","sourcePrefix":"a","targetPhrase":"ein Bisschen","incrementalViews":1,"eventName":"translationViewed"}
looks like airbyte is counting values in quotes as columns..hence the 9 columns. but my files dont have columns. they are just json nl files
when I set the delimter to
I get this error instead...
source > Expecting value: line 1 column 1 (char 0)