Hi team, sorry to post here and not in discourse. ...
# troubleshooting
Hi team, sorry to post here and not in discourse. I upgraded my Snowflake destination from 0.4.22 to 0.4.24 and all of my jobs are failing even after reconfiguring my sync to use User name and password. Log failure is showing an oAuth error
Downgrading to 0.4.22 works. This is happening for the ZD Support connector
here’s my ZD support discrouse thread, seems to be same error despite not using oAuth method https://discuss.airbyte.io/t/zendesk-support-0-2-3-errors-out-but-0-1-12-runs-fine/416/2
can you share the complete logs @Kyle Cheung?
Here are the salesforce logs
Greenhouse logs
Looks like they all fail at normalization
You need to upfrade Airbyte to latest
got it
doing tha tnow
update airbyte and after snowflake to latest
My Bamboo connector is still failing after the upgrade
but using postman with the same apitoken it returns data
My main postgres db is also still failing, it is saying normalization failed