Hi Team, I'm trying to setup a new source with "Go...
# troubleshooting
Hi Team, I'm trying to setup a new source with "Google Sheets" Provided Client ID, Client Secret, Spreadsheet Link but Airbyte is throwing
Unable to connect with the provided credentials to spreadsheet.
Error: Requested spreadsheet was not found.
version : 0.35.63-alpha Logs
Copy code
2022-04-07 06:42:43 INFO i.a.w.t.TemporalAttemptExecution(get):105 - Docker volume job log path: /tmp/workspace/5a2be7d8-afed-41c5-8679-14d4cbc800cc/0/logs.log
2022-04-07 06:42:43 INFO i.a.w.t.TemporalAttemptExecution(get):110 - Executing worker wrapper. Airbyte version: 0.35.63-alpha
2022-04-07 06:42:43 INFO i.a.c.i.LineGobbler(voidCall):82 - Checking if airbyte/source-google-sheets:0.2.10 exists...
2022-04-07 06:42:43 INFO i.a.c.i.LineGobbler(voidCall):82 - airbyte/source-google-sheets:0.2.10 was found locally.
2022-04-07 06:42:43 INFO i.a.w.p.DockerProcessFactory(create):106 - Creating docker job ID: 5a2be7d8-afed-41c5-8679-14d4cbc800cc
2022-04-07 06:42:43 INFO i.a.w.p.DockerProcessFactory(create):158 - Preparing command: docker run --rm --init -i -w /data/5a2be7d8-afed-41c5-8679-14d4cbc800cc/0 --log-driver none --network host -v airbyte_workspace:/data -v /tmp/airbyte_local:/local -e WORKER_JOB_ATTEMPT=0 -e WORKER_CONNECTOR_IMAGE=airbyte/source-google-sheets:0.2.10 -e AIRBYTE_ROLE= -e WORKER_ENVIRONMENT=DOCKER -e AIRBYTE_VERSION=0.35.63-alpha -e WORKER_JOB_ID=5a2be7d8-afed-41c5-8679-14d4cbc800cc airbyte/source-google-sheets:0.2.10 check --config source_config.json
2022-04-07 06:42:45 ERROR i.a.w.p.a.DefaultAirbyteStreamFactory(internalLog):95 - Giving up get(...) after 1 tries (googleapiclient.errors.HttpError: <HttpError 404 when requesting <https://sheets.googleapis.com/v4/spreadsheets/1qmx4q9th1f4U2EHHxZ-mWTiVVcV_aBX9VpEHlRuXYs8?includeGridData=false&ranges=1%3A1&alt=json> returned "Requested entity was not found.". Details: "Requested entity was not found.">)
2022-04-07 06:42:45 ERROR i.a.w.p.a.DefaultAirbyteStreamFactory(internalLog):95 - Formatted error: Requested spreadsheet was not found.
2022-04-07 06:42:45 ERROR i.a.w.p.a.DefaultAirbyteStreamFactory(internalLog):95 - Check failed
2022-04-07 06:42:45 INFO i.a.w.t.TemporalAttemptExecution(get):131 - Stopping cancellation check scheduling...
Strangely it worked for another URL. It works for few URLs and for others it doesn't work.
@Dinesh Agrawal Could you please share the guide you are using to add data from a Google sheet? Also, do you know whether it is possible to use sheets hosted in Microsoft OneDrive/Sharepoint?
I'm using the same guide suggested by Airbyte. Using Client ID/Secret from GCP dev console and refresh token from auth.
Hi there! Thank you for your time posting in our Slack Channel. This week we’re moving our support discussions over to discuss.airbyte.io; if you would be so kind as to post your questions there, you’ll be able ask for help from fellow users as well as the Airbyte team. It is our intention that as of Friday afternoon (Pacific Time) we will lock this channel to everything except administrator posts. We’ll leave everything in place for the rest of April if you need to get information or troubleshooting from existing threads, with the intention of archiving the channel in early May. We really appreciate everyone helping us to build our community, and we’re looking forward to the next phase.