Hello, Can you help with Monday Connector that fai...
# ask-community-for-troubleshooting
Hello, Can you help with Monday Connector that fails all sync attempts? More details in the thread : D
Using Monday connector with Monday API v2 Token always fails but reports success at the end of the log. Note all works fine using curl and the same API v2 token for authentication. Here are errors from the log :
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File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/requests/models.py", line 953, in raise_for_status
    raise HTTPError(http_error_msg, response=self)
requests.exceptions.HTTPError: 403 Client Error: Forbidden for url: <https://api.monday.com/v2?query=query+%7B+boards+%28page%3A4%29+%7B+board_kind%2Ccolumns%7Barchived%2Cid%2Csettings_str%2Ctitle%2Ctype%2Cwidth%7D%2Ccommunication%2Cdescription%2Cgroups%7Barchived%2Ccolor%2Cdeleted%2Cid%2Cposition%2Ctitle%7D%2Cid%2Cname%2Cowner%7Bid%7D%2Cpermissions%2Cpos%2Cstate%2Csubscribers%7Bid%7D%2Ctags%7Bid%7D%2Ctop_group%7Bid%7D%2Cupdated_at%2Cupdates%7Bid%7D%2Cviews%7Bid%7D%2Cworkspace%7Bid%2Cname%2Ckind%2Cdescription%7D+%7D+%7D>

2022-02-24 23:40:09 ERROR i.a.w.DefaultReplicationWorker(run):168 - Sync worker failed.
java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException: io.airbyte.workers.DefaultReplicationWorker$SourceException: Source process exited with non-zero exit code 1

2022-02-24 23:40:21 normalization > 23:40:21 | 5 of 11 OK created table model airbyte.monday_users.......................................................... [CREATE TABLE (0.0 rows, 0.0 Bytes processed) in 3.79s]
2022-02-24 23:40:21 normalization > 23:40:21 | 4 of 11 OK created table model airbyte.monday_updates........................................................ [CREATE TABLE (0.0 rows, 0.0 Bytes processed) in 4.13s]
2022-02-24 23:40:23 normalization > 23:40:23 | 7 of 11 OK created table model airbyte.monday_boards_owner................................................... [CREATE TABLE (75.0 rows, 7.1 KB processed) in 2.96s]
2022-02-24 23:40:24 normalization > 23:40:24 | 9 of 11 OK created table model airbyte.monday_items_board.................................................... [CREATE TABLE (0.0 rows, 0.0 Bytes processed) in 3.22s]
2022-02-24 23:40:24 normalization > 23:40:24 | 10 of 11 OK created table model airbyte.monday_items_parent_item............................................. [CREATE TABLE (0.0 rows, 0.0 Bytes processed) in 3.23s]
2022-02-24 23:40:24 normalization > 23:40:24 | 6 of 11 OK created table model airbyte.monday_boards_top_group............................................... [CREATE TABLE (75.0 rows, 7.6 KB processed) in 3.29s]
2022-02-24 23:40:24 normalization > 23:40:24 | 11 of 11 OK created table model airbyte.monday_items_group................................................... [CREATE TABLE (0.0 rows, 0.0 Bytes processed) in 3.23s]
2022-02-24 23:40:24 normalization > 23:40:24 | 8 of 11 OK created table model airbyte.monday_boards_workspace............................................... [CREATE TABLE (56.0 rows, 9.8 KB processed) in 3.31s]
2022-02-24 23:40:24 normalization > 23:40:24 | 
2022-02-24 23:40:24 normalization > 23:40:24 | Finished running 11 table models in 7.85s.
2022-02-24 23:40:24 normalization >
2022-02-24 234024 normalization > Completed successfully
the API is returning a 403 error, can you check the permissions you have for the credentials you’re using?
The same permissions work fine when Airbyte tests the connection and when used via curl API calls.
Hi @Vesna Djinovic, you tried calling the following URL with curl (+auth) and received a response?
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Feel free to file an issue for this connector and share the debugging you made (curl calls etc.). This connector is in alpha so it's not heavily tested yet.