Hey guys. Looks like migrating from Ec2 to k8s is ...
# feedback-and-requests
Hey guys. Looks like migrating from Ec2 to k8s is not straight forward there are some huddles which we faced 1. Need to have minimum compute engine we use t3.xlarge with 3 nodes anything less than this is not working for PROD. 2. For the very first time when we do
kubectl apply
server fails with error pvc
not found. This can be resolved by doing
kubectl delete all --all
and do
kubectl apply
again. 3. We can't migrate if there are more jobs and attempts. Suggestion from @Chris (deprecated profile) is to delete old data and it worked like champ. 4. We will have to upgrade both sources, destinations to version where there is
as this is added for k8s. After this 🎉 things are smooth. Thanks team for k8s support.
@Harshith (Airbyte) your kubernetes cluster has 3 x t3.xlarge correct? What EC2 instance were you using for docker deployment? For the item 2 3 and 4 https://github.com/airbytehq/airbyte/issues/4763 I'll work to improve documentation to future users
we started with t2 medium then moved to t3.medium
Harshith! can you confirm the instances 😅