Hi Airbyte team! Can you please point me to the be...
# feedback-and-requests
Hi Airbyte team! Can you please point me to the best resource to understand timing of and follow progress toward release of your managed offering? Thanks! airbyte rocket
Matt! You can enter the waitlist in the website but @John (Airbyte) probably can give you more info about this topic!
Thanks @[DEPRECATED] Marcos Marx!
We will soon publish a form so you can sign up for the early beta version of Airbyte Cloud in mid-August. We’re targeting end of September for the official release
Thanks, @John (Airbyte)! I signed up for the waitlist (although this may be second time!). Interested in the beta too. Will this release coincide with oauth? I owe Marcos feedback on the connectors we need and a few we might be interested in contributing.