destination-postgres: v3.7 doesn’s support basic_n...
# feedback-and-requests
destination-postgres: v3.7 doesn’s support basic_normalization through configuration API. When I upgraded to v 3.7 from v.3.6 both: • /v1/web_backend/destinations/recreate • /v1/destinations/create generate error for basic_normalization not defined in the schema.
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{"message": "The provided configuration does not fulfill the specification. Errors: json schema validation failed. \nerrors: $.basic_normalization: is not defined in the schema and the schema does not allow additional properties \nschema:
Switching back to v3.6 solves the problem.
i suspect that’s because normalization is now a connection-level configuration
yes it’s not part of the destination anymore
Makes sense that it is in the connection, but I just pulled the connection and the destination through the API and it isn’t in the connection but still remains in the postgres specific configuration. Destination
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    "destinationDefinitionId": "25c5221d-dce2-4163-ade9-739ef790f503",
    "destinationId": "8c678099-b8af-4972-85de-463f6049a572",
    "workspaceId": "5ae6b09b-fdec-41af-aaf7-7d94cfc33ef6",
    "connectionConfiguration": {
        "host": "localhost",
        "port": 5432,
        "database": "postgres",
        "schema": "xyz",
        "username": "postgres",
        "password": "**********",
        "ssl": false,
        "basic_normalization": true,
    "name": "xyz",
    "destinationName": "Postgres",
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    "connectionId": "b0ab4d61-774c-453b-bb36-e302aadf08ef",
    "name": "default",
    "namespaceDefinition": "destination",
    "namespaceFormat": "${SOURCE_NAMESPACE}",
    "prefix": "",
    "sourceId": "0373f1b5-51c4-478f-b890-518052918ea6",
    "destinationId": "70bf498f-ddc1-4b28-bbb2-7c86b16fb5a7",
    "operationIds": [
    "syncCatalog": {
        "streams": "..."
    "schedule": {"units": 5, "timeUnit": "minutes"},
    "status": "inactive",
    "resourceRequirements": {
        "cpu_request": "",
        "cpu_limit": "",
        "memory_request": "",
        "memory_limit": "",
the boolean in the destination is going to be ignored (should be removed) in the connection, one of those 2 id should point to normalization operation (probably the first one):
Copy code
"operationIds": [
Ok, it currently raises an exception of I pass the Boolean to the destination if I try and add a destination through the api. I’ll try removing it and make sure the operation is still selected. I don’t think I can add multiple operations through the api, bu could I add multiple operations to this list through the api?