:wave: Hi everyone. I have a very specific usecas...
# feedback-and-requests
👋 Hi everyone. I have a very specific usecase of Hosting Airbyte. We currently use Singer taps + target framework and are executing them with custom code via ECS + Fargate (AWS). 1. I was thinking if Airbyte could be customised to use the same or it will always use a single node architecture if we are not using Kubernetes. 2. How well Airbyte play with AWS EKS (Kubernetes) 3. How will Airbyte play with always running tasks (also known as services in ECS) Looking forward for hearing about your experiences. Open for any blog posts reading as well.
For the moment, we are working on supporting EKS better and scale the production deployment there nicely Once that is in a good state, I am guessing we’ll be able to look closer at ECS at that point
but you’re welcome to play and experiment with ECS and contribute ideas to make that experience better
Definitely @Chris (deprecated profile).