Hi all, I currently want to change my cursor value...
# contributing-to-airbyte
Hi all, I currently want to change my cursor value, I access to the airbyte database and find my job in the tables jobs. I identify it by id or by scope. I check that the cursor value is set in a JSON inside config column. The config json looks like the attached in the thread. I was reading in how to change JSON values using
, I'm writing like, but nothing is updated.
Copy code
UPDATE jobs SET config = jsonb_set(config, '{"sync":{"state"}}'::jsonb, '{"state": {"cdc": false, "streams": [{"cursor": "2021-10-29T00:00:00Z", "stream_name": "PROMOCIONESGENERADAS", "cursor_field": ["Fecha"], "stream_namespace": "CENTRALIZADOR"}]}}', false) WHERE id = 1611;
I think that I'm writting wrong the path, what the correct way to do it? I think that is most a postgres question, but I hope find some guide here. Thanks.
config json
Copy code
Hope this helps you!
Thanks! octavia thanks