Hi! What is the official Airbyte position on prov...
# feedback-and-requests
Hi! What is the official Airbyte position on providing Sources as opposed to Targets? Totally un-scientifically, it feels like Sources are the priority with fewer Targets being released? https://airbytehq.slack.com/archives/C01A4CAP81L/p1627683548002800 Thanks
Up to now, we’ve been focused on providing a wide breadth of sources and providing the core set of warehouse destinations used in typical ELT pipelines.
In the near-medium future we will begin looking closely at “reverse ETL” cases where we push data into non-warehouse API destinations. When we do this, it will greatly expand the number of potential destinations under consideration.
Excluding “reverse ETL” cases, there are simply way more sources than destinations that we could implement.
Are there any destinations you were hoping to see?
Thanks for the reply, that makes perfect sense. I was really just pondering in general the position of having bi-directional sync within Airbyte; "_where there is a Source, there is also a Target_" allowing me to move data in both directions.
I think it really depends on what external resource we’re interacting with. For something like BigQuery (which obviously stores data) we have sources and destinations for it. We plan to do this for other db/warehouse sources and destinations. For files on cloud storage we have a similar position. For APIs there’s quite a bit larger range of what is possible. Some APIs don’t allow ingesting almost any data. Some, like Salesforce, allow ingesting data with a bit of configurability. Other APIs may only accept very limited options for data ingestion. So in the general case, I would say that we do not say “_where there is a Source, there is also a Target_”. However, _we w_ill definitely add destinations for the highest profile sources that can ingest data. Eventually, we’ll likely improve our CDK to make it easier to implement these types of destinations as well.
Salesforce as a target is highly appreciated for marketing sync usecase.
@Khantil Patel the reverse ETL it's in the future plans. Today is possible to extend destination using CDK and soon you will possible to send data to SalesForce.